Academic News
The invention competition of the 2022 Taiwan Innotech Expo announced the list of award winners. Among 516 entries of patents, National Central University (NCU) was awarded seven gold medal awards, three silver medal awards, eight bronze medal awards, one platinum award (the ultimate honor of the competition), and one Hon Hai Technological Group Special Award and emerged as the biggest winner of the invention competition of the year.
NCU submitted 24 entries of patent works for the expo this year. The winner of the ultimate honor of the competition in 2022 was Professor Tseng Kuo-Shih at the Department of Mathematics of NCU. The Hon Hai Technological Group Special Award was given for the very first time in the competition this year, and Professor Chen Yen-Hung at the Department of Optics and Photonics of NCU was the winner of the award. Professor Chen also won a gold medal award at the competition.
Professor Chen indicated that the technology of integrated photonic circuits is a crucial technology that drives the next-gen optoelectronic research and industry; it has been applied to the development of the most advanced optical communication network and quantum computing chip. The technology's prospect is brightening.
Integrating the resources in three aspects—innovation and incubation, technology transfer of intellectual property, and industry-academia collaboration, NCU established the Center for Academia and Industry Collaboration in 2018. Aiming at connecting with the industries to drive technological innovation, the center consistently improves the quality and quantity of its patent applications. The outstanding success NCU attained in the invention competition this year has demonstrated the results of the mutual endeavor of the faculty and students of NCU and the center at NCU. We also expect that NCU's research teams in various fields can reach a higher level of success in the future.