
The photo titled “There’s No Distance Between the Lake and Me” taken by Lee, Cahng-Wang , master’s student at the Dept. of Business Administration, won first place of the 2021 NCU Photo Contest for Ten Campus Scenes. Photo by Lee, Cahng-Wang
The photo titled “There’s No Distance Between the Lake and Me” taken by Lee, Cahng-Wang , master’s student at the Dept. of Business Administration, won first place of the 2021 NCU Photo Contest for Ten Campus Scenes. Photo by Lee, Cahng-Wang

The “2021 NCU Photo Contest for Ten Campus Scenes” held by the Office of Secretariat and the Art Center at NCU attracted 106 contestants including faculty members, staff members, students, and alumni of NCU. A total of 226 works were submitted to the contest. After fierce competition and evaluation, the photo titled “There’s No Distance Between the Lake and Me” taken by Lee, Cahng-Wang, a master’s student at the Department of Business Administration, stood out and won the first place.

NCU held an activity on its 106th anniversary to vote for the new ten scenes at NCU for 2021. In order to promote the new ten scenes, NCU held a photo contest, hoping to capture the beauty of NCU through camera lenses and preserve beautiful and valuable images for the university. The top three of the most popular campus scenes for photo shooting were the NCU Lake, the NCU Library, and the Hundred Blossoms Brook. The majority of the contestants were students, which made up 71% of all contestants. Faculty and staff members made up 20% of all contestants, and alumni, 9%.

First place went to EMBA student Lee, Cahng-Wang for his work “There’s No Distance Between the Lake and Me.” The judges commented that the work had an explicit subject, the composition of the photo was creative, and the atmosphere conveyed by the photo was fabulous. Second place went to another EMBA student, Huang, Chin-En, for his work “A Turning Course of Life.” The work adequately expressed that learning is an endless curvy route. Professor Chou Hsien-Ter at the Department of Civil Engineering won third place for his “A Rest Between Pines.” The three elders in the photo and pines’ significance of longevity echo with each other, which is a fine match between images and implied messages.

 Second place went to another EMBA student, Huang, Chin-En, for his work “A Turning Course of Life.”Photo by Huang, Chin-En
 Second place went to another EMBA student, Huang, Chin-En, for his work “A Turning Course of Life.”Photo by Huang, Chin-En
Professor Chou Hsien-Ter at the Department of Civil Engineering won third place for his “A Rest Between Pines.” Photo by Chou Hsien-Ter
Professor Chou Hsien-Ter at the Department of Civil Engineering won third place for his “A Rest Between Pines.” Photo by Chou Hsien-Ter
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