
According to the statistics from the College Admissions Committee, 2019, the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) and the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Central University (NCU) are ranked the most popular choices for high school students choosing science/engineering as their majors. Notably, the Dept. of CSIE at NCU has been on top of the list for three consecutive years. This year, there were 3,278 students in total registered the Dept. of CSIE at NCU as their choices. The department deserves the reputation that “the Dept. of CSIE at NCU is Second to None and Finds No Rivals!”


 “The rapid development of technologies comes the huge demand for computer science talents. The whole world is looking for talented people in this field. That makes the CSIE popular among students for a very long time. Furthermore, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) boosts the demand particularly after many breakthroughs in AI have emerged and could be practical in the real world. Thus, it is a promising field with great potential,” said Dr. Fu-Hau Hsu, Chairman of the Department of CSIE at NCU.

The Department of CSIE at NCU values students’ professional skills, and NCU is one of the first group of top universities adopting Advanced Placement Computer Science (APCS) as the entrance criterion. Such a placement test with high credibility allows students in high schools and vocational schools who are capable of programming to be properly tested and evaluated for admission. Also, there is a high percentage of international graduate students currently studying at the department, which will increase students’ cross-cultural interactions and global visions. Meanwhile, the department designs an up-to-date curriculum following the global/local trends and integrates specializations of different subjects including computer sciences, mathematics, and statistics. Furthermore, the close university-industry collaboration not only drives the industry to upgrade with academic research and development but also keeps students updated on what the industry is looking for before they make a career decision. The performance and achievement of the department are greatly approved by the public.

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