Academic News

Gyals group becomes NCU GLORIA’s international member. CEO of Gyals, Dr. Naranbat Nyamdavaa, (left), and the Principal Investigator of NCU GLORIA, Jen-Inn Chyi (right), shake hands on their upcoming collaboration.
Gyals group becomes NCU GLORIA’s international member. CEO of Gyals, Dr. Naranbat Nyamdavaa, (left), and the Principal Investigator of NCU GLORIA, Jen-Inn Chyi (right), shake hands on their upcoming collaboration.

In promoting the biomedical field and increasing global visibility through showcasing R&D performances, National Central University and National Chiao Tung University’s Global Research & Industry Alliances (GLORIA) hosted the 5th Microbiome R&D and Business Collaboration and 4th Probiotics Congress: Asia 2019. This exciting event attracted over 300 participants, including experts from the industry, government, academia, and the medical sectors. Various enterprise sponsored 36 booths and 75 sessions of roundtable and keynote speeches combined, presented the latest scientific research and products based on trending applications that investigated critical developmental issues in the area of microbiome and probiotics.


James Chu, CEO of NCU GLORIA, is pleased to host this very-first international Microbiome R&D and Business Congress with Global Engage, which is expected to facilitate global academia-industry collaborations involving new research solutions as well as membership services that advance global networking opportunities.

On the other hand, Professor Eric Chun-Ming Huang, organizer of this event, is grateful for the cooperation of members of NCU and NCTU GLORIA, and endeavors delivered by Global Engage, that led to a successful gathering of outstanding scholars, medical doctors, and enterprise representatives like those from Shiseido, DuPont, P&G, L’ Oreal, Unilever, and many other global renowned corporations.

After the event, NCU GLORIA hosted the NDA signing ceremony with Gyals group from Mongolia, which will open up many more opportunities on industry-academia collaborations in the near future.

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