Established for nearly 40 years, NCU Women’s Basketball Team was ranked the fifth in Class B of University Basketball Association (UBA) in 2006. This year they were making a breakthrough; they won the second place in Class B of UBA and thus elevated to Class A, which was extremely inspiring for the team and the coach!
Their coach Mr. Chen Kuan-gen, the instructor of the Office of Physical Education at NCU, has changed the leading style in recent years. He authorized the team leader to organize routine exercise in order to cultivate a sense of autonomy among team members. In addition to the basic tactical skills, members also adopt the training methods they used to have. Such ways of training not only satisfy the coach for building a solid foundation for members but also bring a sense of novelty to the team.
The competition in Class A of UBA is a round robin tournament. Many games were still going on till March of 2017. NCU Women’s Basketball Team endeavored to show their best in every preliminary game, and reviewed and improved their shortcomings after each game. Their effort of stepping into Class A not only sets a milestone in the history of NCU Basketball but also brings themselves unforgettable memories in their basketball career.