Academic News

In the early October, IPST (The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology), which belongs to the Thailand Ministry of Education, led 36 teachers from SMTAT (Science Mathematics and Technology Teachers Association of Thailand) to visit Taiwan, spending two days observing the courses and visiting many schools and institutes. They were shared with the results of Taiwan science education in the hope of inspiring much more ideas and passion of teaching.

GLOBE Program Taiwan, conducted by NCU Department of Atmospheric Sciences, is internationally outstanding and appeals to the Thailand educational authority, who came to Taiwan to learn from it. “STEM education, which combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics together, is promoted worldwide nowadays and has become a key indicator to global competitiveness,” said Dr. Pay-Liam Lin, the country coordinator of GLOBE Program Taiwan. “Both the support from the policies and students’ excellent performances in international science events are what make Taiwan a model.”

SMTAT visited JSHS of NCU, Taipei Municipal LiShan High School, NCU Center for Science Education, NCU Center for Space and Remote Sensing, and National Taiwan Science Education Center, spending the two days exploring the science education in Taiwan.

The “High Scope Project” conducted by JSHS of NCU demonstrated the course of “Aquaponics and Ecological Sustainability,” through the natural principle of symbiosis, by which fish and vegetables help each other. Besides, they also observed the education of Earth Science, realizing the importance of scientific practice through students’ daily observations.

As for the science education in Taipei Municipal LiShan High School, the students have to choose topics to investigate into, and through the process of looking for data, designing experiments, and finally demonstrating research results, they get to know how to prove a point, investigate, and review. Outside classes, the teachers would form “reading groups”, as a way to help students improve.

“Actually Thailand emphasizes much on the basic science education, but is faced with the problems of teacher training and financial support. The visit is quite beneficial and helps boost the science education in Thailand, making a better future for the next generation,” said Ms. Parichat Puangmanee, assistant country coordinator of GLOBE Thailand, IPST.


Visit counts: 1785