
Dr. Ip Wing-huen was elected the Academician of Academia Sinica. PHOTO: Zhu Yun-xuan
Dr. Ip Wing-huen was elected the Academician of Academia Sinica. PHOTO: Zhu Yun-xuan

Last year, Dr. Ip Wing-huen, Professor of the Graduate Institute of Astronomy, won the life-long honor of National Professorship. This year, he was elected the Academician of Academia Sinica. “It was like having a newborn baby at such an old age,” said humorously Dr. Ip, on being elected the Academician. Dr. Ip enjoys creating oil paintings at leisure. He got inspiration from the administrative units of NCU and created six paintings. During the celebration party, Dr. Ip donated the paintings, expressing his deep gratitude toward NCU.

Dr. Ip Wing-huen specializes in planetary science, space physics, and astrophysics. He has been teaching at NCU since 1998 and serving as a supervisor of different administrations for more than 15 years such as the Dean of College of Science, the Vice President, and the Vice Chancellor of the University System of Taiwan. Dr. Ip also has extraordinary research achievements. So far, there are 60 essays published in the world-renowned scientific journals such as Nature and Science, including 12 special articles. He has participated in many international space projects, including the “Cassini Mission,” the NASA’s project to explore Saturn, and the “Rosetta Mission” to study the comet.

During the celebration party, Dr. Ip particularly expressed his gratitude toward his parents and family. “I really appreciated that my parents tried to survive during wartime adversity. Though I may look quite carefree when doing research, the truth is that my family have sacrificed a lot and gave me great support,” said Dr. Ip. He further quoted from the philosopher Kahlil Gibran’s word on “generosity;” that is, to give people what you need more than they do rather than to give them what they need more than you do.

It is for this reason that Dr. Ip said he greatly appreciated the generosity and devotion of the NCU faculty and staff members to the university. He just held his oil painting solo exhibition on NCU campus days ago. He derived inspiration from NCU and created six paintings. He donated these paintings to NCU in memory of his gratitude and appreciation to NCU, leaving a touching and encouraging story to NCU's students and faculty.


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