
SPIE Fellow Prof. Cheng-Chung Lee has been selected as recipient of the 2016 SPIE Educator Award.
SPIE Fellow Prof. Cheng-Chung Lee has been selected as recipient of the 2016 SPIE Educator Award.

The International Society for Optics and Photonics, also known as SPIE, announced the recipient of Educator Award in 2016. Cheng-Chung Lee, an emeritus professor in NCU, won the award because of his long-time dedication to optical education, becoming the first Taiwanese to have been presented the award since its design in 2003.

Each year, the award elects one recipient as the educator of the year from the nominees recommended from all over the world. With double fellowship in SPIE and OSA (The Optical Society), Prof. Lee is highly acclaimed not only in the professional field but worldwide for his long-time devotion to education.

Prof. Lee has broken new ground for Thin Film Optics and Coating Technology in Taiwan. Before the budding stage, he had already started groping in the field. For others’ convenience, he collected his handouts from the past sixteen years, and took a year combining and compiling them into a textbook called Thin Film Optics and Coating Technology, whose eighth edition is going to be published. Over ten thousand copies of the book have been published overseas, while it is particularly popular in Japan and China. It has become a model in the field of coating technology and also an important reference book in education and the industry.

“Good coating has to be mild and get along with the ‘Physical Properties,’ and should never be fierce; otherwise stress might be generated, and the quality of optics might be affected.” said Prof. Lee, who has a great bond with coating. “Just as how human should behave. Haste makes waste. Get along with how the Mother Nature works, and everything will turn out all right.”

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