
Multi-Ethnic Culture Month of 2015 organized by Hakka Affairs Council, the Department of Hakka Affairs of Taoyuan City Government, and National Central University started from 21st to 30th in October.
Multi-Ethnic Culture Month of 2015 organized by Hakka Affairs Council, the Department of Hakka Affairs of Taoyuan City Government, and National Central University started from 21st to 30th in October.

There are various ethnic groups living in Taiwan. To learn more about the beauties of different ethnic cultures, “Multi-Ethnic Culture Month of 2015” made debut in October on NCU campus. The festival offered great opportunities for the public to have a better understanding of and to get closer to Hakka culture as well as cultures of other ethnics. Through the festival, it seeks coexistence and mutual prosperity among ethnics and to enrich the cultural landscape of Taiwan. Multi-Ethnic Culture Month of 2015 organized by Hakka Affairs Council, the Department of Hakka Affairs of Taoyuan City Government, and National Central University started from 21st to 30th in October. Various activities including the festival opening parade, public art exhibition, performances, Yu-Xian Deng Cultural Relics exhibitions, and the speaking tour on college campuses were held one after another and enlivened the whole festival. “The reason that a person exists is for other persons. The moment when we Hakka people are seen by the world, shall we be broad-minded and learn to respect and appreciate cultures of other ethnics. We also expect that different cultures may co-exist and prosper to make our lives more colorful and full of variety,” stated Mr. Ching-Chung Liu, Minister of Hakka Affairs Council. “At NCU, we make students realize that each individual is different and unique. People have to learn and respect the differences among them because every person grows up with diverse cultural backgrounds and has distinct thinking modes. A mutual understanding will build positive and effective communication, so that people can work together to achieve something greater,” said Dr. Jing-Yang Jou, the president of NCU.


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